The nature of this Fund enables investors to optimize their returns on investment via dividends and potential for capital growth. The Fund is open-ended meaning no restrictions on the funds to be invested. You can switch your investment to Income Fund and vice-versa.

This plan is intended for resident investors and must be above
18 years. The facility provides an ideal opportunity to earn competitive 6 monthly tax-free dividends and potential for capital growth.
Minimum opening balance: 50 units

The CIP is an investment plan for children under 18 years. This facility provides the investment platform for parents and guardians to invest for the children future.
The CIP is rolled out to school throughout Fiji with the sole purpose of educating our future leaders on the importance of savings and investment at a tender age.
The facility provides an ideal opportunity to earn competitive 6 monthly tax-free dividends and potential for capital growth.
The minimum opening balance: 50 units

This plan is intended for non-resident investors and above 18 years. The facility has features to promote investment whilst working abroad.
Ideal for Fiji nationals residing abroad who are considering returning home for retirement and can build their investment for such purposes whilst the investments are earning 6 monthly tax-free dividends and potential for capital growth
Minimum opening balance: 200 units.

The Noqu Vanua Investment Scheme (NVIS), introduced on April 24, 2023, is a new initiative aimed at empowering Fijians in rural areas to engage in investments.
This scheme with a facilitation of an MOU signing was created to promote and raise awareness about the importance of investments in securing a stable financial future.
Minimum opening balance is 50 units.

This plan is intended for working Fijians as part of our Employee Investment Scheme.
The plan is embedded in the agreement executed between
the Employer and UTOF that incentivized savings such as
the waiver of the minimum opening balance.
Minimum opening balance: Nil under EIS.